During my stay at the hospital, I learned so many great skills to take care of my body and mind. It's not just about taking medications to make you feel better; there are things that we can do to stimulate our minds by using our bodies.
I've always loved being active, but it was not until just recently when I realized the benefits of exercise to promote good mental health. Exercise releases endorphin (feel good hormones) in the brain. Anti-depressants helps to keep you from sinking to a low, but exercise gives you a natural high! Also, it RELEASES STRESS. If you do it in the morning, it gives you energy through out the day as well. I know that the meds I take make me a little drowsy, but this takes the edge off for me. Being catatonic takes a lot out of me and makes my body weak; so I love doing strength training using weights. Stretching is also very important. It helps to release tension. It's best to stretch after the body has been warmed up by doing some exercises like walking in place for 2 - 3 minutes.